About this site 1

Welcome to one of my digital footprint holes on the internet.
My name is Diogo Miguel and I'm proudly portuguese. In this blog I'll be posting about tech stuff and my views of the world.
About me 2
I have a background in computer science and I’ve been working as an SRE for the past year. I’m at LinkedIn. Atm I’m in the process of deleting all my social media accounts, trying to get by with the bare minimum.
I’ll be using this ‘About me’ spot as a place holder for some of my favorite things.
Some of my favourite movies ever:
Albuns I dig:
Favourite live tracks:
Favourite live sets:
My favourite books (although I don’t read that much huh)
»Caim - José Saramago
»Evangelho segundo Jesus Cristo - José Saramago
Some quotes I try to live by
» “Nothing great comes into being all at once, for that is not the case even with a bunch of grapes or a fig. If you tell me now, ‘I want a fig,’ I’ll reply, ‘That takes time”, Epictetus
» “Brave men rejoice in adversity, just as brave soldiers triumph in war”, Lucius Annaeus Seneca
» The hole in one’s heart gets filled by others around you. Friends won’t flock to someone who abandons the memory of his friends and gives up on the world just because things don’t go the way he wants them to. That won’t help fill the hole in your heart. And people won’t help those who run away and do nothing. As long as you don’t give up, there will always be salvation.», Kakashi Hatake from the Naruto anime (don’t cringe man, it’s a good quote)
Since I don’t have instagramsmsms
São Miguel Island - 2020
Skating in my hometown - 2020
Scotland - 2017
Paris catacombs - 2016
Sesimbra - 2020
Figueira da Foz - 2022